BBPlanet is an easy and rapid on-line booking system. Its database offers a vast range of more than 13500 Accommodations among Hotels, B&B, Holiday Houses, Residence and Farmhouses.
Our system is completely interactive, all data and info are directly furnished by the Structure so that whichever variation (price, description, special offers) be real-time visible.
Bookings are directly managed by the structures that will e-mail you about the best rate referring to the period you’ve chosen.
After having agreed the price, you can book on line. Using our system you’ll pay the security deposit by credit card directly to the bank Banca Antonveneta.
Unlike other on-line booking systems, with BBPlanet your credit card’s data will be accessible neither to BBPlanet nor to the Structure; instead, it will be managed only by the bank with its high security standards.
This is the most effective existing guarantee for the privacy of your credit card’s data. The Structure will be receiving the payment without knowing any of your financial details. As booking confirmation you will receive two e-mails: one by the bank and the other by BBPlanet.
You can annul your booking on-line in obedience to the “Cancellation Terms” and, in this case, have your deposit re-credited with no fine.
Each structure has a page dedicated to the “Users' Feedback”. Reading the personal comments of the previous guests will help you choose the most suitable accommodation for your needs.